About us
A Business Club centred on innovation in insurance, Euresa encourages networking and the sharing of experience and skills between its members.
Our members
Euresa brings together 17 mutual and cooperative insurance groups, present in 13 European and Mediterranean countries.
If you have any questions or would like to visit us, our contact details together with a map showing how to find our premises are available here.
Insurance Abroad
With Hi Europa, Euresa provides you with an online form to submit your request for insurance abroad.
Chairman of the P&V Group and current Chairman of Euresa
Hilde Vernaillen

«The current era is characterised by multiple challenges and far-reaching changes such as digitalisation, climate change and the geopolitical situation. Digitalisation affects all aspects of society. It is revolutionising the life of businesses and creating expectations and changes in consumer behaviour. Climate change is becoming more noticeable every year. It is reflected in an increase in the frequency and severity of natural disasters. The geopolitical situation related to the war in Ukraine and the ongoing consequences of the Covid-19 health crisis are causing various shortages, leading to a sharp rise in prices and inflation at levels not seen for more than forty years.
Despite these immense challenges faced by all, the unwavering support of our companies for their member-policyholders has been a true inspiration. These turbulent times have demonstrated the value of mutual/cooperative insurers as providers of long-term stability and security. In the turbulent environment of the past two years, the mutual/cooperative insurance community has remained strong and continued to demonstrate its resilience.
Through exchanges, the sharing of experiences and the pooling of know-how, Euresa contributes to strengthening the competitiveness and performance of our respective companies, for the benefit of their policyholders and in respect of their common identity and values. Euresa plays the role of facilitator and coordinator of activities linked to the respective strategies and is part of our innovation ecosystems.»